Bad Company
"Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it's better to be alone than in bad company."
-Booker T. Washington
It is better to be alone than being with bad company because of many reasons. You would like to have a good future so you start by having a good present by being careful with what you do. You wouldn't want ONE single night of drinking and doing bad stuff to ruin your whole future. We all have a bright future ahead of us and we all need to take care of our current selves and make sure we don't get into any trouble. Having a drink with friends sure sounds nice, but we have to remember the consequences that some with it. There are plenty of other things you can do to have a nice time. Simple things like ordering pizza and watching movies with friends. You don't really need to use money in order to have fun with friends. You can even just all go to one friends house and play video games and eat that's already there. There are many stuff we can do to avoid having trouble in the future. It's our choice if we either want a good future or a bad future.
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