No Way

"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it."
-George Mitchell 

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I agree with George Mitchell. We may gain a few minutes of happiness and joy when we cheat, but later on we will feel guilty and pain. One example is if we cheat on a test. If we cheat on a test and get a perfect score we will be happy about it, but later on we will feel guilty because we know that we didn't deserve that perfect score. It's better to work hard for something so we know that we did it ourselves and we will be very proud of that and we won't feel the pain and guilt that we would have felt if we cheated. People tend to cheat a lot and even athletes cheat. Abusing drugs just so they can have a moment of glory when all you need to do is to work hard for it and try your very best. It's better to not cheat in the first place so we won't feel any guilt or pain. Life is all about working hard to earn success and have a better life. This is why I agree with George Mitchell.


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