Physical Therapist Assistant

Duties and responsibilities: The duties of a physical therapist assistant is to help physical therapist provide care for the patients. They also give therapy through exercise, massage, gait,  and also balance training, but this is all while a physical therapist is supervising and giving direction.

Salary: The salary of a physical therapist assistant is $42,980

Education: To become a physical therapist assistant, you must acquire an associate's degree and then become licensed.

Qualities/ Skills needed for this profession: There are certain skills needed to have a successful career in the field of a physical therapist assistant and some are communication skills, compassion, detail oriented, multitasking skills, and also physical stamina.

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
No, I do not think I would like to be one because I prefer to be a physical therapist.


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