Today, music is going to be my topic. I love music and I actually know how to play different instruments. I know how to play piano, drums, guitar, and flute. My main instrument that I love and know how to play very well is piano. I actually taught myself piano at a young age, but now I have a teacher who kind of helps me with it. I love how it sounds and feels. Very smooth and the piano can sound any way you want it to sound. It can sound sad, happy, traditional, or anything else. There is one instrument i would love to learn how to play and it is the violin. The violin has always caught my attention since I was small, but my mother says that they are too expensive and she doesn't know if I can teach myself violin the way I taught myself piano. One day I will buy myself a violin and I will learn even if I have to get a teacher. I wondered for a very long time why I was so into classical music and one day I asked my mom and she said that she thinks that it's because the hospital I was born in gave my parents am album of classical music. It had Beethoven, Mozart and other types of classical music producers. Currently my favorite artist is Lindsey Stirling. She plays violin and does plays many songs from covers to her own original sings. She even makes music with other people like Pentatonix, John Legend, Lzzy Hale and other singers or groups. Music is everywhere and there is different genres from alternative rock to classical and hip hop.

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