School Break Days
My Christmas Break was amazing, fun, and warm because I spent it with my family. I went to all sides of families on different days, but we all had fun even though it wasn't Christmas Day. I went to City Walk one day during winter break. I enjoyed it over there because I spent it with friends. I had fun shopping too. Another thing I did was play piano. I love to play piano, but I have no one to teach me so I've been teaching myself since I was 12. It was fun to play piano while my family was here. There was some movies I watched with my sister and it wasn't even Christmas yet. We watched it about 4 days before Christmas. They were, The Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride (which isn't a Christmas Movie), and another one we watched was Zootopia. Before Christmas day, my sister and I went shopping to a lot to buy everyone's present and one mall we went to was Stonewood Mall. It's practically our favorite mall. I loved what I did for winter break, but my most favorite parts were eating food and sleeping in.
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