"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
-Henry David Thoreau

I agree with Henry David Thoreau. Goodness never fails. Goodness never let's anyone down. Goodness never disappoints anyone. Other investments such as money or land or anything else can fail you, but not goodness. We can run out of money and we can lose the land to someone else. We can fail to invest money. We can fail to invest land. Goodness is something anyone can do anytime, anywhere. Investing in goodness is a great thing to do. One example of goodness is helping out a friend with homework or helping out a teacher pass out papers. One example of badness is stealing or saying mean things about someone and even interrupting the class when the teacher is trying to teach. Goodness also makes you feel great unlike badness.This is why I agree with Henry David Thoreau.
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