Radiation Oncologist

Duties and responsibilities: The duties of a radiation oncologist is to use ionizing radiation in the treatment of cancer. They are in charge of positioning the patient and adjusting the machines to ensure proper dosage.

Salary: The salary of a radiation oncologist is $477, 807

Education: In order to become a radiation oncologist you must earn a bachelor's degree and pass the medical college admissions test. After that, you must complete 4 years of medial school and finally you must do professional training in a hospital or clinic.

Qualities/ Skills needed for this profession: There are some certain skills you may want to have in order to have a successful career in radiation oncology. Some of those skills are interpersonal skills, communication skills, commitment, and motivation.

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
After researching this topic, I think I might consider this career.


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