The Right Thing
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing."
-Theodore Roosevelt

I agree with Theodore Roosevelt. He is absolutely correct about this statement. In any moment that we have to make a decision, it is always best to do the right thing no matter what the situation may be. As long as you do the right thing, you have made the right choice. Sometimes doing the right thing is expensive or not a very popular decision to make, but if you choose to do it then you will feel great about it and you will have done something wonderful. For example, if your friends are telling you to go with them and party when you have a test tomorrow, you have to choose wisely about what you want to choose. You can either choose to party with your friends and fail your test the next day or not go to the party and study and pass your test the next day. Choosing the right is never wrong and will always benefit you in good ways. Anytime we are faced with a problem we should always choose the right. This is why I agree with Theodore Roosevelt.
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