An Internal Phenomenon
"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.
-Dr. Laura Schlessinger

I agree with Dr. Laura Schlessinger. We should always choose the right. It doesn't matter if we get a reward or not. We may not receive any money or even praise, but even if that is so, we should always choose the right. When we choose the right, we may gain an internal phenomenon just like Laura is saying right here in this quote. We may gain self-respect from others and that is something very wonderful. We may also gain dignity and that is something nice. People will see that you have integrity and that is wonderful because they can trust you to always tell the truth. You may even gain self-esteem! You will feel really good about what you just did and that is okay. This is why I agree with Laura.
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