"When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive."
-Alan Paton

I agree with Alan Paton. We humans find it very hard to forgive other people, but it is the right and best thing to do. It will take time, but trust me, it relieves your heart of pain. It may be that the person doesn't deserve your forgiveness, but you must forgive. Not only does it benefit the other person, it benefits you as well. One day you'll look back and won't regret it one bit. That person you forgave will also look back and see how they can change the error of their ways. There are many steps you can take to learn how to forgive someone, but the most important thing is that it has to come from the heart. Don't just say it from your mouth, you have to make sure that you are also saying it from the heart. This is why I agree with Alan Paton.
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