Phillip Riggs' Four Success Tips

1. Work Hard
2. Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing
3. Don't chase after money.
4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.

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I like Phillip Riggs' four success tips. They are nice because they are helpful. Work hard is his first one and I agree with that because one way to success is to work hard. If we don't work hard then we won't be able to achieve anything. Follow your passions and do things you are interested in doing is his second tip and it is very encouraging. We work hard to follow our passions. We love to do the things we like. Don't chase after money is his third tip and it is something a lot of people need to know. Some people just want a lot of money and end up getting a job they don't like and that isn't good because you must learn to do thing that you are interested in doing. Serve others and do good things for others, and good things will come to you is his fourth and final one. I like the final one because he's telling us to be a ctr person, but in different words.


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