Good Quality People

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company:
-George Washington

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I kind of agree with George Washington. It is better to be with good people because you know that you will be doing good things instead of bad things. Instead of not hanging out with bad people maybe you can teach them how to be good. It's a good thing to stay away from bad people, but it is an even better thing to help them become a better person. One example would be if your friend is planning on skipping class you should tell them that it is a bad idea and they shouldn't do that. Even if they still go you should still keep trying to make them a better person. What are friends for right? One bad example is if you decide to let your friend skip class while you give the teacher an excuse saying that your friend is at the nurse or bathroom. It's god to choose what's right, but it's better to spread out that goodness to everyone you know. We become better friends with people this way and we even help other people have a better and successful life.


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