You will be taken care of

"If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of."
-Rachel Castillo

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I agree with Rachel Castillo. If we do what is right in life we will be taken care of. It's always best to do what is right in life no matter what. We must always choose the right so we can live a nice peaceful life. Rachel did the right and decided to return the money. Rachel could've kept it, but she knew it wasn't right to take it. For example, if someone who is walking in front of you accidentally drops 5 dollars, a lot of people would pick up the 5 dollars and keep it. You can choose to be the person who picks up the money, takes it for themselves and regrets it later or not. You can also choose to be the person who picks up the money and returns it without hesitating and doesn't regret it. We always have the choice of doing what's right or doing what's wrong.


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