Life and football
"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where the goalpost are"
-Arnold H. Glasgow

I agree with Arnold H. Glasgow. How can anyone get to there goal if they can't see it. It's like trying to get to the kitchen without knowing where it's at. If I can't see where I'm going, it's going to end up as if I'm in a boat in the ocean in the middle of no where with no map or guide. It's like being blindfolded. It is better for us to set a goal so we can know where it's at. In many sports, there is a goal the players must reach to win the game. In football it's the goalpost and in soccer it's the goal. We must be like a player on a sport's team and reach for that goal. Of course, we need to set a goal first and then we can start heading towards it. This is why I agree with Arnold H. Glasgow.
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